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HomeNBAHouston Rockets Pursue Kevin Durant Trade Amid Draft Pick Bonanza

Houston Rockets Pursue Kevin Durant Trade Amid Draft Pick Bonanza

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The NBA rumor mill is buzzing with speculation about a potential blockbuster trade involving Kevin Durant. According to reports, the Houston Rockets are aggressively stockpiling draft picks to convince the Phoenix Suns to part ways with their superstar forward.

Houston Rockets Pursue Kevin Durant Trade Amid Draft Pick Bonanza - THE SPORTS ROOM

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A tweet from Legion Hoops (@LegionHoops) citing ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) ignited the flames, sending shockwaves through the league.

The Tweet Reads: @LegionHoops

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“REPORT: The Rockets are gearing up picks to convince the Suns to trade them Kevin Durant, per


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The report suggests the Houston Rockets are “gearing up picks” in an attempt to pry Kevin Durant away from the Phoenix Suns. The single word “CHAOS” attached to the tweet perfectly encapsulates the potential ramifications of this deal.

The Trade Buzz

ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski dropped the bombshell: the Rockets are eyeing Kevin Durant as their next big acquisition. The groundwork for this move was laid when the Brooklyn Nets traded Durant to the Suns in a multi-team deal1. In return, the Suns sent a treasure trove of draft assets to Brooklyn, including picks from 2023, 2025, 2027, and 2029, along with a 2028 pick swap. Now, Houston aims to leverage these picks to bring Durant back to the Western Conference.

Why Kevin Durant?

Houston Rockets Pursue Kevin Durant Trade Amid Draft Pick Bonanza - THE SPORTS ROOM

Durant, a perennial All-Star, remains a force on the court, averaging nearly 30 points per game this season. His arrival in Houston would instantly elevate the Rockets’ competitiveness in the West. While the Suns have publicly stated their commitment to keeping Durant, the landscape could shift next season. If the stars align, Durant might find himself in a Rockets jersey.

The Rockets’ Calculated Move

The Rockets’ strategy revolves around the draft picks they acquired. Houston gains assurance in negotiations by securing the Suns’ first-round picks for multiple years. Returning these picks to Phoenix could sweeten the deal and make the Suns more amenable to parting with Durant. The Rockets are playing the long game, aiming to build a contender around the former MVP.


ALSO READ: Dyson Daniels opens up on Kevin Durant’s trash-talking- “lil ass b*tch you can’t guard me”

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